How Social Media Can Give You Effective Long Term Results
Digital Marketing

How Social Media Can Give You Effective Long Term Results

Change is necessary to survive. Businesses change their strategies from time to time to keep up with the trends. There was a time when advertising used to be done in newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. Social media is raging today.

Roughly 40% of the world population is active on social networks (according to Hubspot). And that means a lot of people.

Not only this but the users are increasing day by day. These crowded social channels can be used by businesses to market their products with a much wider reach than ever before. 

According to Hubspot statistics, 73% of marketers believe that social media has been fruitful for marketing.

Also, 93 out of 100 businesses impress a new customer through videos on social channels, according to a study by Social Media Today. 

There are many more benefits of social media in addition to these. 

Read this article to know how social media can be a long-term reward for your business. 


Due to the extremely high number of individuals present on social media, most businesses aim to get brand awareness through it.

As per Sprout Social, 70% of companies using social media aim to get recognition through this medium. 

It is true that social media can give you a global reach as it is accessible anywhere across the globe. There is no geographical boundary.

You can reach an American, an Australian, an Indian or a German all at the same time. Language translation options are easily accessible so that the ads are converted automatically.

Other media like television, radio, and newspapers have only a local reach. And providing adverts in different languages can be a little more expensive here.

When you opt for the social method, timing is not a problem. Viewers can browse your page even when you are not open.

They can also browse through your website. Thus, enhancing recognition as per the convenience of the consumer. 

At convenient times, an individual has the patience and time-allowance to research you in detail. Getting to know you better. 

This is why quick recognition can be received through social channels.

Audience engagement

Occupying the spectators is very easy. The like, share, comment options are easy to use.

New features like tagging, reposting are also being added continuously. Making it simple for people to react to your posts.

Contacting a company before was time-consuming. Long-calls, emails or an in-store visit can be awkward. People usually avoid it due to lack of time. 

Social media is fast. Queries can be resolved in the comments or personal messages within 60 minutes.

When you post a unique ad, it is easy for viewers to share it with their friends. Getting you more engagement.

As the engagement on your page will increase, people will start trusting your brand. Thus, the website traffic and sales will also increase. 

The shop or buy button has been added to sites like Facebook and Instagram. There are two possible outcomes of this:

  1. Direct shopping – not yet available to all enterprises
  2. Redirecting to the website – usable by every enterprise

The Direct shopping feature will be available to all soon.

Making online shopping one step closer to being the most preferable by today’s generation.

Customer service

Retaining old customers is more fruitful for a business than impressing new ones.

Investing to get new clients is 5-25 times higher than maintaining previous buyers. To keep the regular buyers happy, great customer service is needed. 

Social channels are an excellent source to show end-users that you care.

1 out of 3 users prefers social media to resolve their issues over other methods. Quick resolutions can be offered.

When the response is immediate, the customers will be less disappointed. Saving you expensive compensations.

And it costs less too. No call charges and no visiting saving travelling cost. 

More than half of Americans share their positive experiences with a brand on their social media. Giving your brand natural promotion and praise.

Testimonials, success stories are a great method for earning trust. When clients do that voluntarily, it’s a bonus.

If not, you can even request users to share their photos and content in exchange for a little token of thanks.

This is actually cost-effective. Because at a small price you will earn brand loyalty. 

Showing you as an authentic brand. 

Brand loyalty

As discussed above, it is smart to earn loyal clients who buy from you frequently. 

You can praise one’s that have always supported you by sharing their photos on social media. Rewarding them with prizes. This will get you more loyalty. 

Through social media, this can be speedy. And the effects are shown on your page.

So, whenever someone searches for you, they can see it all. It will never get expired. Being accessible for a lifetime. 

People trust a brand when other people appreciate it. Case studies benefit more than brands showing themselves off. Try to get more good comments on your social media. It will make you look good.

Super selective audience

The targeted audience is one of the greatest boons of social media. Target audience is a group of people that will be benefited the most by your offerings. Certain demographics used to determine them are:

  • Geographical location
  • Age
  • Religion
  • Gender
  • Language
  • Marital Status
  • Health condition
  • Financial status
  • Employment

When the audience feels that the product is suitable for their needs, they are more likely to convert to customers.

Through targeting, you can send a personalized message. Thus, making the audience feel that the service is crafted especially for them. 

You can lower the advertising budget by avoiding marketing to those that are an irrelevant market for your product. For example, it is a waste to market a women’s beauty cream to males of the age 65 years and above. 

When you focus on a smaller, more specific group that is left behind by your competitors you can dominate selling here.

Or you can also craft unique ads for different groups. Ikea is very good at this. 

This idea by Ikea is a great targeted ad for college students. 


When you are well-acknowledged with your audience, you can create personalized content.

A strong content that grabs attention will easily go live. High-quality content will be impressive.

You need to spend some time to know what post gets the most engagement and fabricate new posts in a similar style.

Collaborating with influencers can result in virality very quickly. It may seem expensive at first glance.

But choosing the best fit can give you a higher ROI than you had expected.

The general public admires influencers and trust what they recommend. If these popular personas put in a good word, you are a star in no time. 

Posts that build an emotional connection get shared a lot.

People tend to have a positive reaction to motivational messages, social activism, and humanitarian efforts.

Content filled with humour is also great to go viral. After all, you are bringing smiles to faces. And no one hesitates in sharing a laugh with others.

You can use branded Hashtags to support this purpose. Since hashtags can be used by laymen for their own content too.

This way, they will link back to your social media handles. Providing you User-generated content. 

Even Though there is no guarantee that your post will be viral, it is definitely worth a try.  


Apart from all these advantages, social media will drive more online traffic. You can insert links to your website in the captions.

Inserting links as tags, hashtags, or in a bitly format is possible.  

These links will help to increase the clicks to your website. As a result, Google will be impressed.

Eventually, your website will move towards the top in search results not only on Google but also other search engines. 


Adopting social media marketing can be a low-cost method for advertising with a better reach to the people most likely to make a purchase.

High engagement builds brand loyalty. Gathering customer feedback is easy and improvements can be made as per the requirement. 

Quick and satisfactory customer service can be imparted.

Keeping old clients happy and impressing fresh buyers is very possible.

More interaction on social media handle can lead to increased website traffic as well as a rise in sales.

Thus amplifying profits, authenticity, and loyalty.

Once you are marked as trustworthy, the effect will stay for a very long time. Providing a remarkable rise in trades. 

Looking at these pros of social media for your business, it is not wrong to tag it as a cost-effective and permanent method for business growth.